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William Moore

My B.S. in Organismal Biology was completed at Florida Gulf Coast University in the spring of 2024. Among all the undergraduate courses I completed throughout my four years, my favorites were Developmental Biology, Evolutionary Biology, and Biochemistry. Gaining new knowledge in these subjects became a true passion of mine, so I decided to embrace this passion and try to make a career out of it by staying in Academia and obtaining a Doctorate degree. In my search for a suitable graduate program, The Range Lab stood out to me the most, as the research being done perfectly overlapped with my areas of interest. 

While being a member of this lab, I wish to elucidate the more abstract characteristics of the important cell-signaling pathways that govern organismal development. Mainly by applying my love for biochemistry. These deeper details would provide a foundation for the reasoning behind why certain pathways are expressed/inhibited specifically where/when they are during a particular time frame in an organism's ongoing development. This foundation can be further built upon by investigating the evolutionary conserved nature of these pathways, and how the deeper mechanistic properties that have remained relatively unchanged have worked to shape the diverse body forms we see across the tree of life.

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